دلالات الاشكال الواقعية في خزفيات الفنان فيكتور سبنسكي


Consists of current research of four chapters, the first chapter of which included the problem of the research, which have been summarized below by asking: What are the implications of realism forms in contemporary ceramics, as well as the importance of research and the need for him and the goal of research of: know the connotations of realism forms in contemporary ceramics, defining terms.The second chapter included two sections: The first forms of realism in ceramic art. The second topic: porcelain currents in contemporary art, as well as indicators that it ended the search. Included in Chapter III of the research procedures, community research and the research sample, methodology and analysis of five models of the products of the world of contemporary ceramics. The fourth chapter included the search results and most important:1. captures the artist Victor Spenski scenes and images captured from many sites and what is he eyes of many simple tools used by man in his work and his daily life. (As in 5,4,2,1 model) 2. Spenski artist focuses his observations on the curious , neglected and marginalized who invasions them and the others actually trying to be submitted as a central and essential in the artwork. As in the postmodern model (5,4,2,1).And conclusions, including: -Texts reflect ceramic artist Spenski for the style of contemporary life in the major industrial societies and the pattern speed and consumption, which is dominated by the man in it.As well as recommendations and proposals and an index research sources.