The effect of foliar spray of potassium nitrate and chelated iron on some physiological and chemical characteristics for date palm Phoenix dactylifera L. Nersy cv.


The study was conducted in a privet orchard at Almdina region north of Basrah – Iraq, during the growth season 2016 – 2017. To investigation the effect of potassium nitrate spray (0, 3 and 6) g. L-1 and chelated iron (0, 30 and 60) mg. L-1, two times, the first at March and the second after four week from pollution (after fruit setting) on some physiological and chemical characteristics of date palm Nersy cultivar. The result showed there were a significant effect of spraying treatment of potassium nitrite at 6 g. L-1 and chelated iron at 60 mg. L-1 on the chemical characteristics. This treatment led to increase percentage of carbohydrate from 10.17% in control to 14.15%, Nitrogen from 1.37% to 2.23% and Potassium from 2.83% to 3.35%. Also this treatment was increased fruit content from Auxins and Gibberellins like-substances with significant different compared to other treatments, which (322.8 and 612.4 µ respectively. While this treatment led to decrease Sodium from 0.533% in control to 0.255% and Abscisic like-substances from 414.3 in control to 333.6 µ