Effectiveness of vision in the aesthetics of recet (The Play of Also and Also Standard)


The Extrapolation of the concept of "vision" according to the conscious circulation of the movements of theorization, and the nature of dealing with the concept in the process of work, to analyze it’s own standards as a philosophical (concept), working to reproduce the time of presentation based on the dialectical communication (to the form visual) and the semantic (mental concept) to form The interactions that some researchers deal with in the context of self-explanation are based on the extrapolation of the concept of "vision" for a group of circulation readings. And according to the context (theoretical), although the concept (intellectual - aesthetic) and requires addressing, addressed through a range of mechanisms (process - analytical) and keep abreast of nature. According to the theoretical context, although the concept (intellectual - aesthetic) requires addressing, dealt with through a set of mechanisms (process - analytical) and keeping pace with the nature of the effectiveness of its work on the ground, and the overlap between the processes of endoscopy and embodiment.. As for the concept of "reading-receive", reading points may differ from one individual to another. This contrast is based on the references (mental, psychological, social, cultural) of the reader's nature and the mechanism of interpretation, from which he extrapolates the text, ) This explanation according to ( Bafeess )may be subject to two types of interpretation, the first is (semantic), and this interpretation is based on the system of closed textual signs and analysis to reach the meaning, a process that is no more than a traditional . Chapter One : Methodological framework: - The first chapter included (the problem of research and the need for it - the importance of research - the limits of research - definition of terms) The problem of research limits to the following question: How effective is the vision in determining the response at the receiver ?