Reflective thinking and the relationship self-awareness among students of the preparatory stage


Crystallize the problem of search and self-questioning: - What is the relationship between the level of reflective thinking and self-awareness among students of the preparatory stage where draws current research significance of the importance of the slide that covered illusion preparatory school students of being represent an important segment of society, to understand the basic building block for the construction of the community it is one of the stages mission school where students face a lot of temptations updated knowledge and information revolution, which invaded the broad aspects of life.The current research aims to identify the level of relation to self- awareness among students of the preparatory stage to achieve the aim of the research was the formulation of hypotheses zero the following:- 1- There is no difference statistically significant at the level of(0.05) in the level of reflective thinking depending on the sex of the sample. 2- There is no difference statistically significant at the level of(0.05) in the the level of reflective thinking depending on the specialty with sample3- There is no difference statistically significant at the level of(0.05) in the the level thinking contemplative depending on the grade of members of the sample and it gives rise to several hypothese sub:-A-There is no difference statistically significant at the level of(0.05) between the averages grades fourth stage of scientific and sixth grades between the average scientific stage.B- There is no difference statistically significant at the level of(0.05) between the averages grades fifth stage of scientific and sixth grades between the average scientific stage .c- There is no difference statistically significant at the level of(0.05) between the averages grades fourth stage of scientific and fifth grades between the average scientific stage.4- There is no difference statistically significant at the level of(0.05) in the measure of self-awareness depending on the of the sex of the respondents.5- There is no difference statistically significant at the level of(0.05) in the measure of self-awareness depending on the specialty respondents.6-- There is no difference statistically significant at the level of(0.05) in the measure of self-awareness depending on the stage of study to the respondents.7- There were no statistically signicant difference between reflective thinking and self- awareness among the sample relation ships.Limited current research on the student of the preparatory stage(fourth scientific,fifth scientific and six intermediate) in a secondary Al-rafaa of girls and secondary Al-bayan for boys the holy city of karbala for the a cademic year 2014-2015, amounted to asmple search(232) students accounted for(116)mals and(116) females with regard to research tools(2005) has been the use of reflective thinking measure of Eisenk and Wilson arabization barakat has been re-drafted to suit the component (30) local environment paragraph and the adoption of ameasure of self- awareness,prepared qaraghuli(2012) are the scale of (26) items .The results showed the absence of statistically significant differences due to the variable sex for measurements of reflective thinking and self- awareness,while no statistically significant differences due to the variable specialization and edu cational stage for measurements of reflective thinking and self-awareness.In light of the results came out the researchers asset of recommendations and proposals