The Role of the Solvent Extraction in the Inhibiter Activity for Plant Santonica Against Kinds of Fangs


in appear and the variety of inhibition activation for plantSantonica (Arternisia herbaalba) against kinds of fungus. Whilethe aquatic extraction for this plant to demonstrate any inhibitionfor Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida tropicalisyeast, the ethyl acetate has succeeded in occurring simpleinhibition for both of them. The study indicated the Santonicahas succeeded to show higher inhibition against Aspergellusniger and Penicillium spp mold compared with the studiedyeast. The study also confirmed the role of used of the solventextraction on the inhibition activity for Santonica plant againstthe studied mold, the inhibition ratio estimated for the against%98.79 extraction for the aquatic extraction for Santonica wasand 31.65% for Aspergellus niger and Penicillium spp%51.42 respectively, while this ratio didn't exceededand 11.3% for alcohol extraction for the same plantagainst the molds mentioned above. The inhibition% 62.46 ratio of the hexan extraction was 32.14% andrespectively, while the ethyl acetate extraction forSantonica plant reported less inhabitant activity against themolds mentioned above, while the inhibition ratio didn'texceeded 22.34% and 13.53% in the highest concentration ofextraction for Aspergellus niger and Penicillium spp.respectively