Competitive Global Environment :Simulation and Analysis Using OOP Technique


The Success of companies that execute Business within Competitive global Environment depends on the degree of compatibility between Business strategy and effective Global Information System. Each of these factors has an effect on the other. The Business strategy depends on the strong Support to their Dealers around the world applying Effective global information system. This paper presents model for Simulation of companies in competitive Global Environment. The simulation is integrated into a large Scale competitive Global Environment model. Which includes Business strategy and Information system? An Object oriented frame work has been used as a development Platform presented results provide and insight into the population dynamics and distribution of Dealers. The transfer of Sales Quantities through the information system is analyzed with the model and some estimations are made conceding the type of sailing control found in competitive Global Environment system . By analyzing the number of companies in Global market and the dynamic of Dealers population, the trend and value of Sales in the system are estimated. This is important in determining the CGE System value of resource. The model was also used ‘to test the impact on Companies Population of different development Scenarios the Competitive global Environment (CGE) due to urban growth and development of Information system due to the development of networked computing that links number of computers and other electronic media by Tele communication network were compared to reference situation and impacts of increases in companies stock were examined.