المظاهر الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للأزمات الاقتصادية في الأندلس من الفتح حتى سقوط غرناطة


Abstract: During the Islamic Arab rule (92-897 / 711-1492) Andalosian witnessed many of economic arises which have varies in their shapes and were different in their reasons in spite of all the flovish and prosperity which the country was known.These crises, especially the severe ones, made adirect influence in the human life and performed in many of their cases adirect threaten on human survive without looking on their canses whether natural or the human ones.The study of economic and social aspeets for the economic crises in andalosian should study many things like the appearance and repetition of famines, poverty spread m need and the migration from the country P in addition to the spread of diseases which controlled the society especially plague and caused alack in the population which in its role led to lack in the effective population of working hands and gone with enormous number which were at some times unable to count the victims especially those which came with the famines arise, starvation high prices.