Analysis of the differentiation of fitness elements for handball players


The research aims at :1.Obtaining the function of discrimination for the elements of physical fitness for the handball players.2.The research community consists of advanced elite Iraqi clubs of handball for the sport term (2011-2012 ) . While , the sample of the research includes the players of ( Al-Karkh, Al-Jaish ,and Al-Futwah clubs ) representing (42) players , (14) players for each club after excluding the goal keepers . The researcher adopts a questionnaire , tests , and content analysis as tools of research. The physical tests are which were used : 400mr. run, barrow, set up with extended legs (10 seconds) , 40mr. run , vertical jump, and throwing medical ball (800gr.) with one hand .The following statistical means were used : the arithmetic mean , the standard deviation , the simple correlation coefficient , regression analysis by the method of (Enter ) and discrimination analysis , the standard degree (6 sigma) .The researcher has concluded a number of results like :Obtaining the test that differentiates the players represented by (400mr. run) test .He also recommended to adopt the discrimination function in prediction and classification among the handball players.