دراسة تحليلية لعمق الطبقة المحاددة فوق العراق باستخدام بيانات ECMWF


The aim of this research is to study the depth of boundary layer above Iraq by using data from European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts ( ECMWF). These data included the monthly means of the boundary layer d6epths and the surface values for each of the air temperatures and the wind speeds for ten points distributed among Iraqi map according to the longitude and the latitude represented by the nearest cities (Basrah, Dhi-Qar, Najaf, Nukhyb, Wasit, Rutbah, Baiji, Anah, Suleimaniyah and Mousl) for the period (1989-2009). It had been found that from the profiles of time variation for boundary layer depth during the months of Winter represented by (Dec, Jan, Feb), Spring (Mar, Apr, May), Summer (Jun, July, Aug) and Autumn (Sep, Oct, Nov) for these cities as well as from the contour maps for annual and seasonal variation for boundary layer depths the maximum average values for seasonal boundary layer depths during Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn occurred in (Rutbah, Wasit, Basrah, Basrah) consecutively, it has been found that the maximum values for annual averages of boundary layer depths occurred in the southern point of Iraq and decreased toward the north. This research also included studying the effect of the surface value of each of temperature and wind speed on the depth of the boundary layer. It appeared that the monthly average of boundary layer depths for all areas ranged between (280-1400 m) with temperature ranged between (2-40 0C) and wind speed (2-6 m/s). Point near Basrah city had the maximum monthly averages for the boundary layer depth, temperature and for the wind speed. A strong linear relationship between monthly averages of boundary layer depth and the monthly averages of temperature with value ranged (0.88-0.96),whereas a value ranged between (0.6-0.95) with the monthly averages of wind speed had been found.