Social Relationship Pattern of Family Caregivers: A Study of Inpatients at a Mental/Psychiatric Hospital


AbstractBackground: A well functioning and supportive network around patients with mental illness from their family members who care for them has been shown to be substantially of greater importance in shaping the ultimate course and out come of the condition and influencing the course of the mental disorder.Objective: To evaluate the social relationship of family caregivers with their inpatients affected by chronic psychiatric disorders in a mental and psychiatric hospital. Methodology: Studying of (438) medical files belong to inpatients with chronic psychiatric and mental disorders. Data were collected about the patients and their family-members who care for them. Results: Patients visited by their family members constitute (262) out of (423) in a rate of (62%). Young age group at 20-29 year had the highest rate of family visiting (76%), this rate decreased with increasing age. Patients admitted for the 1st time were visited by his family members at high rate (73%) which decreased to (63%) for those with repeated admissions.Conclusion: There was poor family patient adherence. A lot of works are needed on family side to breakout the isolation of patients and career.Key words: Social Relationship Pattern of Family Caregivers