Effect the learning program using hurdle barrier crossbar in the effectiveness of education ran 100-meter hurdles


Effect the learning program using hurdle barrier crossbar in the effectiveness of education ran 100-meter hurdlesMohammed Jassim Mohammed al-KhalidiAbstractThe teaching effectiveness ran (100 m. H) of the students show where many difficulties, which requires it to use some means to help during the process of education and access to the desired goal of the educational process, and through this research, the researcher manufactures a way to help in the education process for students and of barrier mobile crossbar, and through comparisons with the two sets of experimental and control research has been identified following a tutorial using hurdle barrier crossbar in the Education ran effectiveness (100 m. h) for female students. Descriptive approach was used in Part III The sample will be students from the Department of Physical Education at the University of Kufa. In Part IV results showed a difference statistically in the education of the effectiveness ran (100 m. H) for students between the two search experimental and control groups in the post-test and in favor of the experimental group were male set of conclusions in Section V, including (The use of barrier moving the bar helped a lot in the progress of education THE student Department of Physical Education, and Title V included several recommendations also (using a moving hurdle barrier crossbar in the education of all events ran barriers).