journal of the college of basic education

Published by Mustansiriyah University

ISSN: 3007-3650 (Print)
ISSN: 2706-8536 (Electronic)

Language: Arabic and English

Subjects: Education (General)


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The Journal of the College of Basic Education is a quarterly refereed journal issued by the College of Basic Education, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq.

The journal publishes innovative research, in various fields that are compatible with the departments of the Scientific, Humanities and Education College, namely:

1. Computer Department.

2. Department of Science.

3. Department of Mathematics.

4. Art Education Department.

5. Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.

6. Department of Arabic Language.

7. Department of English Language.

8. History section.

9. Geographical section.

10. Kindergarten department.

11. Guidance section.

12. Department of Special Education.

13. Department of Family Education.

14. Islamic Education Department.

15. The first grade teacher's section.
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journal of the college of basic education is committed to open access and all content is freely available to all immediately after publication.

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