Al-Qadisiyah Medical Journal

Published by Al-Qadisiyah University

ISSN: 1817-0153 (Print)
ISSN: 2312-7864 (Electronic)

Language: English

Subjects: Medicine (General)
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• Medical journal published by the Faculty of Medicine / University of Qadisiyah every six months, dealing with all medical specialties (basic and clinical), the Journal accepts original research and reports on important medical cases. • Language version of the Journal is English • The first number of the Journal of Qadisiyah medical issued in February of 2005. • The medical Journal of Qadisiyah ISSN-winning private journals • All researches submitted for publication sent to the scientific evaluation with Specialty to decide on the validity of published and scientific contents as it is or modify them or not fit for publication by reviewers opinions • Research published in the medical Journal Qadisiyah is taken out a system upgrade scientific researcher • Researches numbers issued posted on the Iraqi academic scientific journals • Self-finance Journal

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