Basic Education College Magazine For Educational and Humanities Sciences

Published by Babylon University

ISSN: 2304-3717 (Print)
ISSN: 2312-8003 (Electronic)

Language: Arabic

Subjects: Education (General); Historical osteology; Prehistoric archaeology; History of Europe; Languages; Literature; General works
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This journal was added to IASJ on 2013-04-02

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Year Total Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2024 224229 31901 32982 40000 37556 18481 16216 19077 28016
2023 501856 48199 44689 49104 41564 42436 31176 25005 27916 47480 49850 48878 45559
2022 569699 40501 43918 48613 44633 47771 41389 35793 36815 44321 62283 68118 55544
2021 469668 29049 41505 38313 39192 43442 57887 23950 22366 28780 42262 56100 46822
2020 786679 54519 87405 92940 91423 99075 127379 84957 58217 28367 17084 24419 20894
2019 619342 50470 62366 68992 56039 46245 37706 34872 31956 44334 56682 69041 60639
2018 406745 16646 19613 27444 27234 22305 19583 20255 19361 27539 63869 76291 66605
2017 176935 11561 14233 17829 17456 13427 10001 8666 11093 10399 19954 18340 23976
2016 114394 675 273 13215 12719 9975 7647 5046 9722 9259 14854 15776 15233
2015 107514 5658 5322 11882 10317 6300 7003 6490 5945 7990 13416 14618 12573
2014 42776 2030 2447 2320 2398 2104 3374 2537 3111 5360 4729 5313 7053
2013 7099 1 1 384 593 1077 1144 1813 2086
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