Published by Basrah University
ISSN: 1683-3589 (Print)
ISSN: 2409-501X (Electronic)
Language: English
Subjects: Surgery
Basrah journal of surgery
The Journal is An Open Access Journal indexed in DOAJ licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) published biannually by University of Basrah, Iraq since 1995.
From January 2023 the first issue is published from January - June and the second issue from July to December. Once completing the requirements for publication, the article will appear online according to the belonged issue.
The edittor utilizes iThenticate to check plagiarism and to ensure the originality manuscripts submitted to this journal. A double-blind peer reviewing system is also used to assure the quality of publication.
Basrah Journal of Surgery publishes original articles, review papers and case reports in the field of medicine particulary surgery the author has to pay 75000 Iraqi Dinar fee for publishing an accepted manuscript.
The journal depends on publication fees. In addition the journal is supported financially by College of Medicine, University of Basrah.