Rafidain journal of science

Published by Mosul University

ISSN: 1608-9391 (Print)
ISSN: 2664-2786 (Electronic)

Language: Arabic and English

Subjects: Biology; Biology and miscellaneous; Chemistry; Physics
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This journal was added to IASJ on 2012-04-23

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Year Total Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2024 32088 3996 4256 4042 3818 2539 2288 3836 7313
2023 58364 4470 3730 4145 4164 4802 5379 4210 5151 5363 6237 5418 5295
2022 71792 6578 5764 5441 5741 6055 5721 8039 7297 6577 4152 6131 4296
2021 69059 6129 8906 4323 3281 8359 14939 3566 3082 3402 3956 4410 4706
2020 97739 7393 10196 10979 13453 8889 13243 9167 7915 4560 2982 5357 3605
2019 78137 6312 6628 10760 7470 5171 6495 6479 4301 5359 6496 5932 6734
2018 70875 5796 5119 6543 6716 4667 6025 4098 4117 4360 7722 8161 7551
2017 73357 4656 4847 6140 5993 7425 4220 6085 5428 5484 7529 5279 10271
2016 64805 359 209 7392 8883 5285 4978 4927 7023 4857 6949 7444 6499
2015 103955 8905 8707 13281 11274 7117 9615 6243 6066 6987 8496 9463 7801
2014 101184 6034 6028 8175 8639 8173 7275 6061 5327 10521 10557 11146 13248
2013 81925 7683 9335 9361 9442 6394 4028 5188 3307 4937 6823 8253 7174
2012 35200 804 4270 2556 3292 7708 8255 8315
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